Lessons from a Start-Up Nation: What Can Australia Learn from Israel’s Success?

May 18, 2020
What lessons can Australia learn from Israel's start-up friendly economy? Jack Goodman explores the book and its theories in more detail.

Book review: Draft No.4 Writing tips from a Master

Mar 26, 2019
McPhee’s much anticipated Draft No.4, On the Writing Process, is both deeply nostalgic and quirkily entertaining. For budding writers it offers an eclectic collection of anecdotes, touchstones and mud-maps, alongside earnest encouragement for those immersed in the sometimes brutal process of “knitting a novel”, writes Mike Larsen.

Holiday reading: Our Kindle recommendations

Dec 20, 2018
Enjoy the festive season with a good book - or ten! Reading ebooks is an easy and environmentally friendly way to absorb tonnes of knowledge, keep your brain entertained, and improve your vocabulary while you're at it.

Christmas holiday reading: Our recommendations

Dec 21, 2017
What better time than to lose yourself in a novel! Reading will not only keep your brain stimulated over the break, but it will help with creative thinking, improve your vocabulary and simply provide you with a wonderful form of entertainment or inspiration.

Is ignorance power? The constant confusion of Homo Deus

Oct 11, 2017
We're all cyborg-gods who don't know how to adapt to change, says Yuval Noah Harari in his sequel to Sapiens, Homo Deus. Let's look deeper into this, shall we?

Breeding brainpower through connection

May 30, 2017
A quick look at The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley, in relation to the connectivity of what we do.

Stand Aside, Robots: The Future Is Human

Mar 2, 2017
Some musings on Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

Awesome Books To Read Over The School Holidays

Dec 17, 2016
These holidays why not try reading something new? We’ve put together our list of favourite books from when we were growing up, for your holiday inspiration.

Thank you Sir Terry Pratchett

Mar 13, 2015
Today is a sad day, as it marks the passing of Sir Terry Pratchett. To call him an author is to barely scratch the surface. He wrote over 70 books, more than 40 of them in the famous Discworld series.