Michael Larsen

Michael Larsen
Michael Larsen is Studiosity's Chief Executive Officer.
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Studiosity CEO Update: Service Continuity

Mar 11, 2020
Studiosity CEO Update: Service Continuity. Regarding our capacity to deliver support and prioritising your students during the COVID-19 pandemic, from CEO Michael Larsen.

A privilege and responsibility, a message from our CEO on Studiosity's social mission

Jan 6, 2020
When is social responsibility a privilege? When we get to form partnerships with organisations like these. Hear from the CEO of Australia's study support service, now available for 1.67 million students globally.

Book review: Draft No.4 Writing tips from a Master

Mar 26, 2019
McPhee’s much anticipated Draft No.4, On the Writing Process, is both deeply nostalgic and quirkily entertaining. For budding writers it offers an eclectic collection of anecdotes, touchstones and mud-maps, alongside earnest encouragement for those immersed in the sometimes brutal process of “knitting a novel”, writes Mike Larsen.

Noun: The quality of being studious

Aug 30, 2017
YourTutor is now Studiosity, here's why | Studiosity

Homework Help - The Australian Way

Jul 2, 2015
If you watched Foreign Correspondent's recent story about the pressure under which South Korean students suffer when studying for exams, it's hard not to be discouraged. The disenchantment of some parents’ with their education system is particularly distressing.

Five lessons from the day Richie Benaud called

Apr 13, 2015
So much has been said during recent days about the life and legacy of Richie Benaud which offer valuable lessons for students of both cricket and life. Here are our top five.

Why our universities need to speed up the inevitable

Mar 16, 2015
There is a close association between the dramatic savings universities can achieve using new technologies, and the desire to reduce the cost of higher education.