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What students say about studying and using Studiosity

Mar 27, 2019
Behind the scenes of the latest Studiosity video shoot, with students talking about their experiences using Studiosity and how it helps them succeed.

Book review: Draft No.4 Writing tips from a Master

Mar 26, 2019
McPhee’s much anticipated Draft No.4, On the Writing Process, is both deeply nostalgic and quirkily entertaining. For budding writers it offers an eclectic collection of anecdotes, touchstones and mud-maps, alongside earnest encouragement for those immersed in the sometimes brutal process of “knitting a novel”, writes Mike Larsen.

Thoughts on women in education: a conversation with Professor Judyth Sachs

Mar 8, 2019
Professor Judyth Sachs talks about International Women's Day, the education sector and the importance of role models for young women.