Building confidence and maintaining motivation: the student perspective

Sep 7, 2020
UK student Ben Phillips-Farmer tells us about the learning support that increased his confidence in his academic skills and what kept him motivated.

Challenges are just opportunities - #InThisTogether with Elena from ICMS

Jun 17, 2020
Despite fires, floods, and the virus, Elena's year studying in Australia has been rewarding and supportive, thanks to her College, friends and workmates.

Time management, travel, and support - #InThisTogether with Welhelmus from University of Canberra

Jun 12, 2020
Welhelmus studied in Australia and had the opportunity to travel, speak at conferences and meet important officials. He shares his story and advice for other international students.

A home away from home - #InThisTogether with Destina from University of Canberra

Jun 11, 2020
Studying her PhD at University of Canberra, Destina talks about her study experience in Australia and all of the opportunities she's had.