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Here are the key dates for South Australian school students.  Remember to check with your school regarding additional pupil-free days.  Private and independent school dates will vary.   

School term dates:

Term 1:  28 January - 9 April
Term 2: 27 April - 3 July
Term 3: 20 July - 25 September
Term 4: 12 October - 11 December


Yearly Calendar

  Event Dates
 Jan New Year's Day  Jan 1
  Australia Day  Jan 27

Term 1 starts

 Jan 28
 Mar March Public Holiday  Mar 9
Term 1 finishes  Apr 9
  Autumn Holidays  Apr 10-26
  Easter weekend  Apr 10-13
  ANZAC Day  Apr 25
  Term 2 starts  Apr 27
(Yr 3, 5, 7, 9)
 May 12-14
Queen's Birthday  Jun 8
 Jul Term 2 finishes  Jul 3
  Winter holidays  Jul 4-19
  Term 3 starts  Jul 20
 Sept Term 3 finishes  Sep 25
  Spring holidays  Sep 26-Oct 11
 Oct Labour day  Oct 7
  Term 4 starts  Oct 12
 Dec Term 4 finishes  Dec 11
  Summer Holidays  Dec 12-Jan 27
  Christmas day  Dec 25
  Proclamation Day   Dec 26


Check the dates of the rest of Australia's States and Territories here.

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